Welcome to 4-H

Dear New 4-H Family, Welcome to 4-H, the youth development program of the Cooperative Extension Service. With over 6 million participants nationwide, 4-H provides youth with positive learning experiences that help build character, while developing knowledge and skills that prepare them for the future. 4-H programs are offered in every county, in every state, in the nation. Locally, thousands of children, ages 5-18, participate in the 4-H program through club involvement, special interest programs, and school enrichment programs. As a new 4-H family, you are certainly part of something very special! The New Mexico 4-H vision is for all youth to become productive citizens, and leaders for positive change. As you become more and more involved with 4-H, you will continue to have new opportunities, even beyond Roosevelt County, because 4-H events occur at the county, district, state, national, and even international levels! We encourage your family to become very active with your 4-H club. Your club leaders and parent volunteers will guide your 4-H club with the support of Cooperative Extension staff members.
The extension staff are here to support your family as you explore the exciting world of 4-H. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Please know that we welcome your new ideas and contributions. Additionally, if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, we will be happy to provide you with the necessary information.
Ryan Craig
Roosevelt County 4-H Agent
(575) 356-4417
4-H Projects

Project work is an important part of 4-H. A 4-H project is simply a topic that the member chooses to explore during the year. Some youth may take an entire year to work on a project record. Others may complete a project record within a few months. Project work is self-paced and individual. The project the child chooses should reflect his or her interests. Keep in mind that the topic a child chooses is not the most important part of project work. It is the process of completing a project record that helps youth develop skills in:
- Setting and Completing Goals
- Keeping Records
- Creative Writing
- Organization
- Leadership
- Citizenship
- Community Service
- Development of Skills and Knowledge in Project Areas
Choosing a Project - New Mexico 4-H currently offers a wide variety of project areas for your child to choose from. Projects range from agriculture, arts and crafts, STEM and citizenship. Attached you will find a short list of some of our most popular projects. This is not the complete listing, which can be provided by the Roosevelt County Extension Office. We are always happy to assist with your project selection, and you are welcome to come by our office and view the project material as well.
You can also access the complete list of New Mexico 4-H Projects as well as the abbreviated project list.
As always, if you have questions about 4-H projects, feel free to call our office. We also have project books printed out for you and your child to review in the Roosevelt County Extension Office.
Please note, if you would like project material, please select that option when you enroll your child in a 4-H project. This helps us to ensure that we provide the necessary information that each child needs.
Parent or Guardian Roles
4-H is a family program – a place where adults and their children can learn and grow together. In 4-H, you as the parent or guardian are very important, and you are always invited and encouraged to participate in all 4-H club activities. We recognize every family’s schedule is different and you may not be able to attend every club function, but there are many different ways that you can contribute to your child’s 4-H group.
Since 4-H has so many diverse experiences, we have discovered that every adult finds some role to play that supports the group.
As a parent or guardian, these are the following roles you need to fulfill:
- Provide transportation for your child to and from 4-H events including club meetings, and the fair.
- Attend 4-H club functions with your child whenever possible. Children 5-8 should always have a parent or guardian attend meetings with them.
- Guide your child as they select a 4-H program to explore, and help them develop goals that are challenging, but also realistic. Encourage their project work by making it a family learning experience.
- Complete new enrollment forms and notarized medical releases each year.
- Stay aware of events, and opportunities for your child, and enroll them as necessary, and on time.