About 4-H
New Mexico 4-H Vision
Develop all New Mexico youth to become productive citizens and leaders for positive change.
New Mexico 4-H Mission
To create self directing, productive, contributing members of society; 4-H, the youth development program of New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service provides youth the opportunities to acquire leadership, citizenship, and life skills. This is accomplished through educational programs for New Mexico youth of diverse backgrounds.
New Mexico 4-H programs are based on the Eight Essential Elements of Positive Youth Development. 1. A positive relationship with a caring adult. 2. A safe environment. 3. An inclusive environment. 4. Engagement in learning. 5. Opportunity for Mastery. 6. Opportunity to see oneself as an active participant in the future. 7. Opportunity for self-determination. 8. Opportunity to value and practice service for others
Our 4-H program provides a creative a supportive environment in which culturally diverse youth and adults can reach their full potential. Our local county program works to develop life skills to help young people become self-directed, productive citizens. We also work to empower adult volunteers who multiply the efforts of our local county Extension staff.

4-H Youth Enrollment Forms
NOTE: Re-enrollment forms are due in the Extension office on January 5, 2024 by 5:00 pm. Click on link to download fillable forms. Both sets of forms must be completed with all necessary signatures. Re-enrollment can also be done on ZSuite. If you already have an existing account login and update your child's enrollment. https://4h.zsuite.org/
4-H Membership Requirements
4-H programming in New Mexico addresses the needs and interests of young people. Any boy or girl, age 5 through 18, who enrolls in the 4-H Youth Development Program of the Cooperative Extension Service is a 4-H member. The 4-H program year is October 1 through September 30. The following guidelines address the specific age requirements for the 4-H program:
Cloverbuds: This program provides experientially-based "learn by doing" experiences for 5-8 year olds. The member must have passed their 5th birthday and be in Kindergarten, but not have passed their 9th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H year. Children may participate in a variety of approaches. Programming is developmentally appropriate and involves the following Components: 1. Non-competitive cooperative activities 2. Self-esteem and social interaction settings 3. Exploration of skills and interests 4. Group recognition for participants 5. Involvement of parents and/or other significant adults For more information on Cloverbuds, please see the National 4-H fact sheet in the appendix.
Novice: Ages 9 through 11. A 4-H member must have passed their 9th birthday or be 8 years old and in third grade, but cannot be in the sixth grade and have passed their 12th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H year.
Junior: Ages 12-13. A 4-H member must have passed their 12th birthday or be 11 years old and in sixth grade, but cannot be in the eighth grade and have passed their 14th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H year.
Senior: Ages 14-18. A 4-H member must have passed their 14th birthday or be 13 years old and in eighth grade, but cannot have passed their 19th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H year.
Special Education youth older than 18 may enroll with the approval of the county 4-H agent.
To enroll in the 4-H program, you may download and complete the enrollment form or enroll online through ZSuite. If help is needed with the enrollment process, please call, or come into the Roosevelt County Cooperative Extension Office.

4-H Adult Volunteer Application
4-H Clubs in Roosevelt County
- Dora 4-H Club (Meets 2nd Monday in Dora 6:00 PM)
- Rodeo & Show 4-H Club (Meets 2nd Tuesday at McAlister Room @ 6:00 PM)
- Hustlers 4-H Club (Meets 3rd Monday at McAlister Room @ 6:00 PM)
- Shooting Stars 4-H Club
- Homeschool 4-H Club (Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesday)
- BCH 4-H Club
- Generations 4-H Club (Meets 1st Tuesday @ 5:30 PM)